Rowing stands for healthy sports in nature, strength, endurance and team spirit – values very close to the elements of sustainable development. In students rowing clubs boys and girls organize sports and manage the club on there own. Student clubs stand for education for responisble care.
We look for sponsorships for the new boathouse for the rowing clubs of two schools in Bonn, Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium and Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium. The boathouse is designed by be architects, Hamburg – Baumschlager Eberle Architects, well known for sustainable construction. The boathouse will be built in the Rheinaue, the „Central Park“ of Bonn, directly visible from the office buildings of the UN organisations on the opposite riverbank. The construction of the building shall begin at the end of 2025 when the funding is secured.
The boathouse and sponsorship project were presented to the public in Bonn together with Katja Dörner, mayor of Bonn, and Alexander Kersten, Managing Director of Deutscher Ruderverband (DRV), the German rowing association on 23rd of January 2025. It was also presented on the booth of the DRV at the „BOAT“ international fair in Düsseldorf on 25th of January 2025. The outstanding design of the boathouse and the excellence of the artwork create public attention for our project.
We look for sustainable construction material, maybe from renewable ressources or from used products.
We also ask to support the sponsorship project with Thomas Baumgärtel and the arts galeries Geißler-Bentler and Kunstkabinett Stefan Moll.